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What Would John Freyer Do? T-shirt
Tag # 000521

There is a performance art group at the University of Iowa called the Ready Table Group, and they are dedicated to celebrating Christ. Now I have nothing against celebrating Christ per se, but I do have friends and collegues who are gay and lesbian. And wearing a "What Would Jesus Do?" bracelet or T-shirt might seem harmless, unless you also believe that Gays and Lesbians are going to burn in hell... and need to be prayed for...

Jesus would sell his $40,000 dollar car, move out of his comfortable house and live among the sinners, so in actually you are not really asking what Jesus would do, you are asking what you would do. Well make up your mind....

Please don't pray of me or my friends, pray for your self b/c unless you are penniless and living among sinners you aren't really doing what Jesus would do, and for that hypocrisy you might join me in the hell that you supposedly are praying for me to avoid.

What would I do? Well first I'll sell off all of my worldly possessions...

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.